Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rain, is that why MN is green?

Saturday, ALLLLLL day. Sunday, a good part. Maybe our brown yard will get a chance to rejuvenate itself. According to the paper, the lower SE corner of the state was hit pretty hard. Almost 12 inches of rain in one day!

Galen enjoyed it, or at east wanted to. And he is adjusting to it far better than the dogs, they just don't understand.

So, picture this. It's a cool, rainy Sunday evening and I'm in the backyard keeping the dogs close by while they do their business. There's a funny droning sound, can't quite figure it out - or care. And then "LEE". There's Shanna standing at the patio door, covered in a towel and soak'n'wet. "Help!"

The hallway fire alarm, the one next to our, and Liam's bedroom, is wailing - loud. I get the thing down and Shanna checks on the kids - all snoozing peacefully. Thankfully.

The alarm was filled with dust and cobwebs - time for a new one.


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