Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, March 10, 2017


Procreation occurred later in my life than most of my childhood peers. Thanks to the occasional class reunion and social wonders piped through the internet, I have read, seen, and heard as my classmates had kids, sent those kids off to college and military. Now more than a few have grand-children. Me? My kids are in elementary and middle school. Many, many years are to pass before they become adults, make babies, and live within the confines of their choices.

Many, many years that I need to live, most hopefully with a healthy quality of life. My general health could be improved upon. Cholesterol is a few ticks too high. My blood pressure should be lower. On the good side, my liver is surviving my appreciation of too many tasty adult beverages. I have all my teeth. My lungs seem to have shrugged off my former pack-a-day addition. And my plumbing and ancillary operations work normally.

I will be in my mid to upper sixties before those grand-babies start to appear. Media is full of stories of folk in my predicament. I have met more than a few of a similar predicament. But, I don't know about their plumbing. Point is, I am not alone or unique in my status or concerns.

I know that an active social and physical life are key contributors to achieving life longevity. And genes, they provide a contribution. But my genes have already provided their input, Now it is me, my own decisions for social and physical activities that might help me stick around to see my progeny.

Both of these have been erratic throughout my entire life. I have always cycled between periods of great social interaction to lesser. Physically active to couch potato. At least my weight hasn't varied much, throughout my adult life it has been remarkable consistent within a 20 pound window. No major weigh yo-yos to add yet more stress to my body.

So, here's to finding the proper mix of physical and social choice to ensure I get to see my grand-babies. Here's to the health profession's contribution to my longevity. And here's to my plumbing and ancillary operations continued contribution to my long and pleasurable life.


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