Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, March 02, 2007

We Survived

His cold ran for about a week. And it was a tough week; no library or bookstore story times, no playground, and very little backyard or outside time. But he's a stoic, happy little kid. We cuddled on the couch and watched TV, was sat on his cushion and read books, ate tomato soup, played with the doggies and chased our cat.

And then it was my turn, but not for a cold it seems. Allergies hit with a vengeance. I went from breathing to not with a dry, crackly, painful throat in a day. It was three days of piss-pour sleep, bad appetite, and general grumpiness.

In the middle of all this Shanna left us all, abandoned I'd almost say, for a business trip to Chicago. Well, it had to be done and not something I begrudge her for. Seven months pregnant, slammed with homework, and her family sick I am sure she would rather not be on a plane.

Or did she have a mini-vacation? Good for her!


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