Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yes, Stuff Did Happen in October

First of all, I took Galen camping. It was just me & him, Shanna & the dogs stayed home. We went out with the Arizona Xterra Club and had a fine time. I didn't get to relax until Galen went to bed, until then he was go-go-go. When it was time, we went inside the truck, put on his pajamas, had a cup of milk, and read a bedtime book. He was so sweet, compliant, and ready to sleep.

And at 5:45 the cycle started all over again...

Second of all, Halloween. This was the first Halloween that he got to be an active participant. On the 29th we took him to the Boo at the Zoo, all dressed up in his dragon-suit. He had a blast. For the most part he ignored the animals, there was too much else happening. He got to walk through a pumpkin patch, hug all sorts of big furry animal-people, and follow a ghost.

Third, Rocky was diagnosed with valley fever. It started off as a sluggishness with a cough. I didn't get him in right away, but when I did, I felt bad for taking so long. The cough was from pneumonia. He's now on a bunch of med's. The prognosis is good, but he'll be on the med's for a few months.

No, it's not contagious.


At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And on the 31st, Galen went trick-or-treating with his mom. He loved going to the houses and seeing all the people...collecting candy isn't a concept that's sunk in yet. When he got home, he was wound pretty tight and wouldn't sit still for anything. It was the unhealthiest dinner he's ever had: M&M's and jello. :-)


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