Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, October 08, 2010

The stars aligned

Convergence, alignment, serendipity, whatever. The bare naked wood is no more, now there is stained & sealed trim

The windows & trim were installed last year. It's been 12 months of viewing untreated trim, taped off to protect the wall for when we do the finishing. The week after it was installed was the prime time to finish; but no, I did not. Then there was winter, then spring, and finally summer.

Why did it take a year? Weather, kids, and adequate time are all reasons. But it really boils down to motivation. And over the past two weeks, the stars aligned. It wasn't too hot or too cold to have windows opened for extended periods of time. Kids were in school. And I was motivated.

I can get something done, once a year anyway.


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