Last night, just as I was dropping shrimp into the skillet, the electricity disappeared. The gas range kept on working as Shanna darted around to retrieve flashlights and candles. And then it was the dinner by candlelight, the kids thought it was special. The intimate light usage continued as we cleaned up, read books, changed into PJs, and brushed teeth. The fireplace was already radiating heat when the lights dropped, and we kept it going 'till the power returned - after three hours. Turns out a snowplow took out a pole, just the thing for 6,200 people on a cold, snowy evening.
And what else of the kids? The Christmas rush has been replaced by the normal tempo of life. Food is eaten, brothers tormented, clothes soiled, and smiles made. Just this morning Galen has been drawing for hours, hands stained by ink. Liam has been gazing upon books, and Boris is stretched out next to the fireplace in the morning sun. All in all an very satisfying Saturday morning.
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