Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

planning, no planning, and the need for lists

So, Galen wanted a lunchable for tomorrow's school field trip. I am not a fan, I believe them to be overpriced, over salted, and not of high quality selection. I can make something using better crackers, lunch-meat, cheese, etc. But he won't eat those, sometimes quality loses. So after work I dropped by Cub Foods to get one, along with some fruit.

Fast forward a half hour and Liam stormed home. He wasn't angry, just heavy footed. After saying hello, what was his first question, "Did you get my pictures?" AHHHH! This morning we sent a batch of pics for his school project to Walgreens. So, off to Walgreens I go.

Which is next door to Cub Foods.

Fast foreword another half hour. Galen gets home, the first thing he asks if I picked up a lunchable for tomorrow's field trip. "Yep, it's in the fridge." He looks at it, "It's the wrong flavor, and its gotta be cooked." Hmm. Now, if it was just the flavor I would of told the dude he was outta luck and had to deal with it. But I didn't look that closely at the packaging, I never considered that a lunchable would require being nuked. We talked about it, wondered how it would taste cold. So, off to Cub I go.

Three trips in a sixty minute window to basically the same place. That was poor planning - maybe the total lack of any planning. Reminds me of the time I installed a new ceiling fan electrical box, and fan. Needed support, electrical boxes, all manner of doodads I hadn't considered beforehand. That install took five trips to Home Depot over the course of three hours. That was poor planning.

Lists, sometimes they do come in handy...


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Grandma M said...

Been there and done that!


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