Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Of Test Scores, Legs, and Unholy Screeches

Shanna was notified today that she has been accepted into law school and will begin with this fall's term. Yesterday she was notified of her LSAT score placing her in the 79th percentile!! When she was notified today of the school's acceptance, she was also notified that she will receive a merit scholarship that will cover about 50% of tuition. Way to go girl!

This good news foreshadows what we know will be a difficult few years. Galen, Rocky, Natasha, and I will be left to fill many hours while she is attending work and school. Sacrifices for us all will be made. We support her. Besides, when complete she will be better equipped to support me in the manner to which I want to be come accustomed...

Did I mention that I LOVE HER??

Legs are being discovered. Sometimes when flat on his back, Galen will raise his legs straight up and cup-n-pull with his hands. Still hasn't worked up to the feet, but those cubby little kickers have been noticed.

Screeching: Galen will start out making a sound akin to an A, but then it gets transformed into something unholy. It sounds like he is constricting his neck & vocal cords. That cute little face will turn red, and his lips curl up like he's enjoying himself. We do duets, screeching at each other.

Reading: Sometimes it's the newspaper, or Backpacker Magazine, or a word from an on-line forum. Sometimes even a children's book, but I do read to him most days. He pays more attention when we face each other, he'll laugh, smile, and shake his arms. When on my lap he seems to drift off to other distractions more quickly.

Penguins: Doh, I can't find the reference, but...
I ran across a weblog for a dad that likened himself to a penguin. Interesting metaphor for a dad being the one to raise a kid. While I don't go with the stuck in one place, freezing my @$$ off, not eating while she's gone part, keep the egg warm & hatch it part of the job. If ya keep it simple, male's bring'n up the young - I like it.

And no, that's not an invitation for teeshirts, stickers and such...


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