Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, CAMPING!!!

Just a few more days, a few more errands, some organizing, and then a commune with nature and a group of off-roading yahoos. It won't be a rough camping experience. In previous years it's been a drive to a new location every night. All the set-up and tear-down chewed up a lot of time and energy. This year it's a base camp and a different excursion every day. Always back to the same campfire, tent, and chair spot.

Shanna, Galen, and Natasha will have the home front all to themselves and Natasha will be quite the neurotic guard dog. The dog's are a basket case if one is gone. And the ":gone" one, if they are camping or off-roading for the day all is well. Trips to the vet are another matter...

I will miss them all, but I am looking forward to actual "time off". No worrying about what Galen is into, I'll just just to keep Rocky out of the food. And the week of Galen all to herself just might give Shanna a vacation; no time to worry about work and school. Somehow I doubt it...


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