Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Daddy, what's dammit?

Opps, another new word assimilated and repeated by the sponge. It started with a potty break.

Galen had gone to the bathroom to potty. When he finished, with his underwear around his ankles, he said that the wipes needed water. He picked up the box and tilted it, and water poured out. He had already "watered" the box. As I was retrieving the box, Liam was taking advantage of my distraction by splashing his hand in the toilet water - which hadn't been flushed yet. I picked him up to wash his hands, and Galen, being uncooperative, was playing around. Liam was placed in the other room and I returned to herding Galen. Again, Liam took advantage of my distraction by splashing in the toilet that was miraculously still unflushed. Galen was still traipsing around with ankle-rider underwear, unraveling the toilet paper. Oh, and I forgot to mention that he had pooped. So while Liam is trying to play with the floaties, Galen .....

About this time I said "dammit Galen." Not with anger, not with a raised voice, but with a voice of frustration from a circular activity that was neither preemptive, preventative, or having any sense of closure.

"Daddy, what's dammit." Exactly.


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