Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Overreaction #337

While I prepared last night's dinner, Shanna shared a humorous story learned while attending school. A business owner was being deposed and some of his responses are incredulous (my asterisks):
    Q. [T]his is your loan file, what do Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald do for a living
    A. I don’t know. Open it up and find it.
    Q. Look at your loan file and tell me.
    A. Open it up and find it. I’m not your f*****g bitch.
    Q. Take a look at your loan application.
    A. Do it yourself. Do it yourself. You want to do this in front of a judge. Would you prefer to [do] this in front of a judge? Then, shut the f**k up.
    Q. Sir, take a look--
    A. I’m taking a break. F**k him. You open up the document. You want me to look at something, you get the document out. Earn your f*****g money asshole. Isn’t the law wonderful. Better get used to it. You’ll retire when I’m done.
If you want to read more GO HERE.

Somewhere along the dinner preparation, the sharing of the day, and the humorous deposition Galen asked to be let downstairs to go potty. Now that's something that will almost always get action from one of us. So the stairs gate were opened and he was let through.

Now, back to the dinner preparation, the sharing of the day, the humorous deposition, and setting of table. I had finished warning, cooking, and placing everything out. Next I called for Galen and went about my business. After a moments I though to myself, "self, where's Galen?"

I went to the top of the stairs and noticed a lack of identifying sounds. That, as any parent quickly learns, is a sign of trouble. So, I walked down the stairs and heard a distinct sound of water as I approached the bathroom. I sped up, turned the corner, and

Overreaction #337.

The floor was soaked as he merrily cleaned a cardboard box in the sink. My left hand grasped the box and my right grasped his arm. I, not to gingerly, placed him into his rocking chair and put him in time out. As I went up the stairs to get rid of the box I passed Shanna and, not to politely, told her she got to clean the mess.

Two things:
  1. Galen & I have had several conversations about water in the sink.
  2. I was excessive toward Galen and Shanna.
While Shanna cleaned I fed Liam and myself.

Not one of my prouder moments. (Excessive with family that is, feeding Liam is OK).

With kids, angel and devil are the flip sides of the same coin. Today Galen has been an angel, not that last night had anything to do with it. But an angel is always preferable over the alternative. And I gotta remember he's still a Curious George.


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