Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This past weekend was a treat. Shanna didn't have school so all of us were able to spend some good time together. On Saturday we tripped over to Deardorff Orchard. Galen & Liam got to wander around, playing on a haystack, stare at some horses, and eat some fresh apples. It was their last Saturday of the season and were out of apple butter. Nuts. And we got a wagon ride back to the car. One the way back home we visited At The Farm for some pumpkins, a gourd, jam, and maple syrup. It was a blue, crisp, and wonderful day to be out and about.

Galen arranged the pumpkins in our front yard, all seven. There are five small, one medium, and one large. Sunday's mystery was what happened to one of the small ones. It was found halfway across the yard, or at least half of it was found. It was plainly eaten upon. Monday morning it was missing all together, someone liked that particular pumpkin. Wonder why it was chosen?

Galen almost likes autumn. He likes the color of the leaves, and their subsequent carpet. He likes pumpkins, hay bales, and corn stalks. He doesn't like the cooler air. And Liam? He just likes to be.


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ones, Do you want Grandma to mail some apple butter/or bring from Beasley's?

Glad to hear the boys are enjoying the fall..

Wish we were there to play too!

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have Grandma send yousome. Beasleys' is the BEST apple butter--but then, I'm sure you remember that!

How's Galen liking school this year?


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