What's a safe haven?
Batman had the Batcave. Presumably it was place where he wouldn't be bothered, his identity safe. There are rabbits in out backyard that consider our patio a safe haven. Google has about nineteen million results for safe have, many of the early results being for shelters for women and pets alike.
I wasn't thinking of anything nearly so important as shelters for women or pets, or even Batman's lair. For me, it places in the house that I can leave something unmolested by Liam. Or it's places where Liam won't get hurt. Galen is mostly OK for not bothering some of my things, though not perfect by any stretch.
Liam opened the refrigerator yesterday. This morning he climbed up on the dinning room table. I'm running out of safe haven's. It's only a matter of time before he discovers how to start the car and drive off.
I remember the first time I found you on the kitchen counter top...you were 16 months old and I was very pregnant...you jumped down. From then on you were climbing onto everything...we lived on a farm..not a good thing. I never let either of you into the refrigerator....you would have eaten us out of house and home!
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