Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Excuse my laziness

Another month has gone by. No, I don't think I've missed any major developments. Maybe. Galen's reading is improving, though he often fights it, he'd much rather be read to. He sometimes enjoys word flash cards, hat's helping with the easy vocabulary. He sometimes looks through his dictionaries and atlases. These pictorial books connect an item/thing with the word.

Liam is still struggling to talk. Little by little he adds new sounds. For the past week or so he enjoys walking up, looking at what's going on, and asking "doing?" It's his way of asking what we are doing, so cute. When asked his name, he will respond. And sometimes even will respond back with his age. Though he will pass doing either when in a group setting such as the Little Gym.

Liam is the more physical of the two. He loves to run up and tackle, or jump in the lap. Both are dangerous for a male, the private nether regions seem to be his preferred target to land of crash into. Some days I think seriously about investing in a cup.


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