Shit my father says
That has to be what Galen thinks of the stuff that's being flowing from my mouth lately. Not that I'm a prankster, bad moral philosopher, or erroneous historian. But lately I've been much ado about "no." Not the gentle deflection to a different yes, but no. Puzzled and perplexed, he's growing into that wonderful mind, seeking boundaries, learning new things, and stumbling all along the way. And I say "no."
Liam, he's just bewildered and finds another way to torment me.
Once again I am at a point where my strength, my patience, my optimism is lacking. No isn't the answer, but it's often the easy one. Instead, there should be positive confrontation, humble acceptance, patient listening, teaching by example, love and trust. Knowing I must change is a step, now to take it...
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