Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Road trip: prologue

Finally, I was getting some time to myself, a week on being only responsible and accountable for myself. No making dinners for the family, no "guiding" behavior, no watching my behavior, no trips to the library, no bedtime routines. Shanna had already scheduled her work around being in town that week, I had an opportunity to do something.

I considered joining some friends in Moab, but distance, scheduling, and wanting to drive the Land Cruiser, all conspired to make that trip difficult-to-impossible. But I had a week, I had to find something. I checked around, turned out that the Dakota Territory Cruisers were having their annual Black Hills Cruiser Classic that very week. It was just a matter of the registration fee, a Black Hills National Forest Trail permit, and acquiring supplies. Road trip!

A week later I was sitting on the deck, drinking a beer while BS'ing with Shanna and Randy. I was describing my plans, confirming my departure and return days. There was some gentle ribbing about taking the kids and dog. I knew Boris couldn't go, I was visiting several places that didn't allow dogs. Sometime into this discussion the words just stumbled out of my mouth, "he's the perfect age." That did it, Galen was going with me.

Planning just got complicated. Food, beverages, and camping equipment provisions would require revisions. The route and planned stops would only change a little.

Changing my mindset wasn't so easy. I was torn between time without kids, and Galen's fun & growth opportunity. It had been quite a while since I've had more than just a couple of hours off from the kids. In the past few months I'd lost my temper in situations I shouldn't of. I needed a vacation.

But I also knew we would have fun.

to be continued...


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Grandma M said...

We are looking forward to yet another of your road trips! One South! Your vacation seemed like a lot of fun. There were many years I was never "kid free", it was another reason to work, except to prevent starvation!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Grandma M said...

We are looking for yet another road trip South! We are so looking forward to seeing (hugging) everyone!


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