Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Parenting? an update

I transferred my Irish Stout to a carboy for its secondary fermentation. When the wort was first brewed the SG was 1.046. Today, it was 1.017.

On the objective side, if I read the hydrometer right, and if I correct for temperature correctly, and if I got the calculations correct, my brew is currently: 3.79% abv. If the yeast is still active I might eck out a few more points, we'll see.

On the subjective side, the aroma from the primary fermentation bucket was hoppy, wonderful. The brew used to measure SG wasn't poured down any old sink, it went down to my gullet. So far, so good. A little more sweetness versus dryness than my target, we'll see how the secondary works out for us. Plus, I need to have some carbonation to see what I really believe. Stay tuned...


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