Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter, Rolls, and WI Dads

Little man is rolling over, mostly from his back to tummy. There is an occasional tummy to back roll. We used to fell safe from SIDS when placing him on the back, but now I often find him sleeping on his tummy and I get worried...

Grandma O'Brien sent Galen an Easter outfit. He seemed to enjoy wearing it while cooling his toes in the water...

I spent Easter Sunday prep'ing a planter bed and then planting tomato, basil, and cilantro; spraying the backyard for weeds; fertilizing the grass and killing off the dandelions; and, cleaned the pool, patio, and back porch. I then enjoyed the fruits of my labor by sitting on the porch with a magazine and glass of wine. It was a warm, sunny, beautiful day. I enjoyed digging my hands in the dirt, doing mundane yard work. Now if that basil would hurry up and grow...

Wisconsin dad's getting some attention.


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