Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Camping, Big Brother, and Get a CLUE

We took Galen on his first camping trip over my birthday weekend. He was VERY good, much more so than we were. It rained, a gust of wind blew the tent over, it was chilly, there was beer, cigars, and excellent chicken. And through it all little man was great. Packing the truck is an interesting challenge, almost as much as packing his diaper bag. What does a 5 month old need for camping?? As it turns out nothing more than what he needs at home with the addition of bug and sun protection.

On Sundfay morning Galen got breakfast & cuddles in bed (back of the truck) while I was cooking breakfast.
Sunday he was still being a great little trooper. He loves posing with his Mommy...

I must admit to have been more nervous than Shanna, and certainly more so than Galen was about the whole affair. As it turned out he was no different than Natasha & Rocky. We do the packing, the watching; and they eat, shit and play as if we weren't even there... He'll be camping again. I can't wait until he can help set up and then put away the camping gear!!!

Another article on kid's privacy...KRT Wire | 04/20/2005 | Big Brother, meet Mom and Dad. I hope to not be too much of a nosey spy. I want to know, to be aware of Galen's activities, but I don't want to be a snoop. As we both get older it'll be a difficult balancing act. And I will remember; I am a parent, not a buddy to a youngster. How that will guide me? I'll just have to see.

So, you got the credit reports to check for fraud. Ever wonder about your insurance? No, someone probably did not steal your insurance, but those agencies have the same database errors as the credit reporting agencies. As reported in the Arizona Republic - You can get CLUE'd in on your insurance history. The CLUE report will state the basis assumptions that drive your risk and therefore your insurance rates. Check it out at ChoicePoint.


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee, Shanna, and Master Galen, thanks for coming out. We (AZXC) are really lucky to have great folks like yourselves still coming out even though you don't own the X. And for what it's worth as a teacher I see kids all the time who have no direction and lack not only self-esteem but self worth, and most of these things can be traced back to home. I majored in child development/education at ASU and minored in Mathematics(Math is what I teach at the High School), you (Lee) and Shanna exhibit all the qualities that great parents do to help you child avoid those pitfalls mentioned above. A loving, caring and responsive environment is easy to see with the O'brien Family. See you on the trails soon.



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