Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, April 01, 2005

It's Your Decision

It's over. Don't let DeLay, the Bush family, and the rest right-wing kooks politicize and decide how your life should, or should not, end. Me, if I ever get to a "persistent vegetative state" do not even think about a feeding tube. Let me end my days with peace and dignity. Galen needs a dad & father, not a shell, not a beating heart with an empty gaze stashed away in a hospice.

If you haven't done so, visit Aging With Dignity, review the Five Wishes, think about how your time will come. And don't just stick it in the safe or a box in the closet, it needs to be shared with your family. Arizona has established the Arizona Advance Directive Registry, and to quote:
    "In order to honor an advance directive, your physician, hospital or nursing home must be aware of it and what is says. Arizona’s Advance Directive Registry is a way for your advance directive to be available where and when it is needed."
Shanna & I have been redoing our estate & will planning for several months, almost complete. We will record our wishes at the web site; we will also share with our family.

And now time for something completely different... No, not Monty Python and the Flying Circus. I'm talking of the screech machine. Galen's vocalizing more each day. It's mostly schreeches, but he's also trying to purse his lips and blow bubbles (I think that's what he's doing.) He will converse with screeches, back n forth. It's fun and quite the stress reliever.

What does a baby think in these months & years before language & words get established?

We went to the Tempe Festival of the Arts today. Again, Galen with those Baby Banz, gets attention. Lots of junk I wouldn't buy with free money, a few things interesting, an even fewer number that I might buy. The one thing I was ready to shell over cash for, beer, was nowhere to be found. Bummer...


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