Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Signs, Solids, and Audio

Galen is responding to some hand signs, in particular Shanna's signing of "milk" and "more milk". He just laughs at me... It's wonderful to see his reaction to the sign say & play classes. He can be crabby from lack of a nap, but when confronted with singing and other kids he perks right up.

He is content with a new solid - sweet potatoes. And his by-product is even more varied than ever. Rocky and Natasha are most pleased to clean the residue from his face and hands. Their tongues are WAYYYY better than wet-wipes, wash clothes, or any other normal cleaning material. And much more entertaining.

We've resorted to dipping him in the pool once or twice as a shortcut. He enjoys being held and jumping up and down in the water. But not as much as splashing. He'll sit on the first step and splashes 'till his face is wet & dripping. And then he'll pause, huff some until the water clears off some, and then starts all over. Sunday he was having a blast until he realized he was cold. It's awesome to see how having fun takes away from reality.

NPR had a story about this web site, I had to go and visit - you should to. What's so special? It's audio clips of different nationalities' kids way of making sounds; like a snake, firetruck, and frog. Very entertaining.


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