Long Time, No Update
Happy Birthday to Dad... Galen & I were able to attend a surprise birthday party for Dad. When he got back from the store and found 70 people cheering for him, well, I just gotta say I'm glad his heart is up to snuff. Good time was had by all.
While in Indy we went to the zoo. Mom & Dad, Kelli (my sister) with Drake & Mackenzie in tow, and the two of us. Cramped minivan, train ride, butterflies, elephants, and a tiger or two. We like zoos.
I would have liked to of had time to explore more of Indy, it has changed considerably since I roamed its streets.
Trying to get a photo of three toddlers is harder than herding cats. They all wiggle, run, and generally move too fast for a good photo, but we did catch at least one slow moment.