Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, March 23, 2009

I (we) survived

Spring break is over!!! Tuesday was our eleventh anniversary, the kids didn't run me ragged, and the weather was relatively warm. All in all, it was a good week. While not exactly jam packed with fun & adventures, we did go to the mall play area, Minnesota Childrens Museum, and the Minnesota Zoo. Oh, and the grocery store. And for what might be a first, MacDonald's with a stay at the playzone.

I believe this may have been the first trip to the zoo where Liam actually watched & enjoyed the animals. On previous trips he would gaze around, hard to say what was going on. This time he would run up to an exhibit, babble at the scenery, obviously enjoying himself.

Except for a chilly parking lot walk, I made Liam walk everywhere. He likes it. Strolling through the zoo tropical zone, and walking up stairs at the museum were at a slower pace. An enjoyable pace. I liked walking around, a boy at each hand, watching the animals, people, and flowers. A simple, well-made memory.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


There have got to be parents from the select domain of my high school classmates, whose children flew off to Mexico this past weekend. I can imagine their angst. Is their kid traveling with confidence, enjoying the sensual input of another culture, or a flaky pleasure seeker about to have their entire physical profile displayed on youtube.

Me? Galen is enjoying the same spring break but without the plane ticket away from the parental units. He's right here, vocally, energetically, hungrily. I am enjoying his sweet innocence, but looking forward to the day when he'll get on a plane (or drive) to give me some peace and quite for a few days. And yes, I'll distress over over the balancing wishful ignorance and paranoia.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just so happened...

Shanna's traveling again this week, and the comic For Better or for Worse just so happened to have topical content...

(Click on photo to see a larger version.)

Posting this comic reminded me of another one I share, this one from Baby Blues.
(I'm sure the copyrights are with For Better or for Worse and Baby Blues.)
(PS, great comics by the way.)

Monday, March 02, 2009

What would you say?

Liam talks. No, not in any language we understand, but there are syllables, phonemes, and most distinctly, intent. It can be seen in the eyes, the movement of the face, and body language - he is saying something. It's not a fleeting event. Sometimes he'll do this for minutes. I just respond, be interested, and ask questions. It's an amazing thing to see-n-hear.