Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Monday, April 02, 2007


One of Galen's favorite books is Teddy Bear's Fun to Learn; First 1000 Words. He will sit down for some serious reading, turning pages, viewing, sucking fingers, and talking to himself (or the book). It's not one of my favorite book so I usually avoid is possible. But after Saturday night...

The book's layout is not dictionary like, but thematic. Each theme is laid out to cover both pages when viewed including topics such as; kitchen, bedroom, farm, shapes, colors, and many, many others. The page will have a bunch of stuff labeled and arranged around a central picture, the picture will have the items in context being used & handled by Teddy Bears.

Page 54/55 addresses "busy teddies". There are picture of teddy bears doing things, dancing, walking, reading, jumping, and other activities. We call this the verb page. Saturday night Galen was quite adept at identifying most of the activities. We were amazed. Neither of us had read this page to him. He was taking his knowledge and applying to the pictorial word.

No, I don't think he's a genius. But as my boy, I do like to brag a bit...