Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do you have those hinged storage boxes?

Well, we do. And we keep two of them behind the couch for Liam. One contains books and the other toys. It's awesome to see him pull himself up and get his own doodad. Give him a few minutes and you'll find a selection of toys & books strewn about. Today I found something different - Liam.

Not that he was happy about it. The reason I found him was that he was wailing. He was face down - feet up. I can only surmise that he reached too far and tipped in face first. I did my duty and rescued him. And then consoled and loved him until the sobs were done.

But, and my of my, but, I wish I had taken a photo...

Monday, March 24, 2008

At least it was me

That broke the coffee pot. Last night, while doing dishes, oooops.

This morning's black tea isn't quite the same. And now we gotta wait up to ten days for a replacement. Yes, I could go to target and buy a new make. But ours works just fine. A new carafe is cheaper, just takes longer. A new exercise in delayed gratification.

Liam and I may be going to Caribou Coffee this morning.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

10 Years After

No, not the band of Woodstock fame. More along the lines of tin and aluminum, our tenth anniversary was March 17, 2008. St. Patrick's day has usually been good to me. It was particularly good in 1997 when I met Shanna.

What's happened? We've become good friends, had babies, and moved.

Here's to the next ten years...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Break in Time

I had the opportunity to accompany Shanna on a business trip. So I went. I gotta say that a few days of no diapers, dishes, cooking, e-mail, telephone, driving, or herding was a wonderful experience.

Walking the beach while Shanna was working in a conference room was bittersweet. But did it stop me????

Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for the sitting services. As nice as the break was, it was even better to return to the smiling faces of our boys.