Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tough day, and it's still early

We noticed Sunday, Galen was sick. At the time it was a cough and a light appetite. Monday was worse, so a trip to the Pediatrician, no strep. Good.

Now it's Wednesday, his coughing more, has a runny nose, and even less of an appetite. He also ripped part of his fingernail - finger boo boos are the worst.

Little man is feeling punky, hungry, and his finger hurts.

Is it really too early for him to try tequila? How about me?

Monday, February 05, 2007


I know he will test boundaries - repeatedly. I know he isn't evil. And I know he is just about the sweetest thing to come into my life, but ahhhh.

Last week, I believe it was Wednesday, not that it matters. We had a good morning, play was fun, he we mostly mindful. Lunch was uneventful, he ate well. And then he threw his plate, cup, and spoon in quick succession. The plate broke and food flew, the cup spilled, and the spoon splattered. And he laughed. So, up I bring him out of the chair to clean up the mess and off to a time out.

Afterwards I get a hug and kiss and a glimpse of sweetness.

Then he walks over to Rocky and hits him on the snout. Another time out. This one he's up & down, up & down. Then he stands up, turns around, and hits me on the nose.

Is it too late to send him back???