Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cold, Happy Camper

Galen & I went camping over the weekend, near Gilbert MN. The town is the site of an old taconite (iron ore) strip mine which has been converted to the Iron Range OHV (off highway vehicle) park. The MN Toyx4s offroad club was hosting a weekend get together and I took this as an opportunity to; a) meet some local off-roaders, b)go off-roading and , and c) take Galen camping.

We arrived Friday afternoon and it was cold, damp, and windy. A storm front had just been through and its effects were still lingering. Erecting the tent was like trying to fold a flag during a hurricane. All the while Galen and Natasha were watching from the back of the truck. Natasha, being quite happy to hide from the wind, was in no mood to "help". Galen, however, wanted to "help". After a quick walk around the campsite I persuaded him that helping would be to remain in the truck and keep Natasha from getting out. The ruse worked.

We went to bed early that night after a dinner of sauteed smoked sausage, and beer for me. The next morning started without the wind, clouds, or chill of the night before. We had an excellent day of wheel'n. 'Nuff said.

This was all about me. I needed camping fix. But Galen was my Costello; keeping me diverted from the activities at hand, left me shaking my head, and grounded. And he needed a camping fix too.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Trials and Tribulations

Shanna's first multi-day-n-night travel since the addition of Liam was this past week. It was supposed to the whole week, but she was able to return early. Thank God.

I'm don't know about Liam, but Galen certainly missed her. They got a morning routine, and mine doesn't replicate that. They have conversations over breakfast, me, not so talkative. The good news was that all three mornings I got up before he did and had a chance to read my newspaper. It's the little things in life.

The day was no different. He played, I did dishes, we read, he scattered toys throughout the house and fiddled with Liam. Some days, it just feels like the toys should be deposited at Goodwill. Or, where did all these come from?

Shanna's post-work day return home was sorely missed. For me, it's usually a chance to change gears, make dinner, something other than watch two bundles of energy. For those several days my break had to wait until past Galen's bedtime.

She has quite the travel schedule though the end of the year. I know I'll survive, I know the kids won't suffer too badly. All the same, she will be missed.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I do, Again

My parents renewed their wedding vows, 25th anniversary over Labor Day weekend.

Touching ceremony, emotional moment.

I hope to see them do it again at 50, and myself at 25...