what do these kids hear?
So, I voted this morning and wore my "I Voted" sticker to work. Over the course of the day sooooo many kids asked who I voted for. The interest was inspiring, to see so many young folk curious, but I would not answer their questions. I'd respond back with something along the lines of, "The one I believe should be president. Who would get your vote?" Now this is where inspiration becomes exasperation. Their responses were, let's just say they were humorous. I heard:
- Trump, because Hillary pays for ISIS.
- Clinton, because Trump doesn't believe people should wear glasses.
- Trump, because she doesn't like to win.
- Hillary, because we need a woman.
- 3rd party, because the first party is stupid...
I left many kids with the directive to go home, ask their parents, then ask them why, and then to have a fun conversation about voting.
Judging by the smiles, the joy, the future is in good hands...