Long Time No See...
What have I been doing? I'm not sure.
A recap, both for myself and whoever might be reading this...
- Teeth: Galen has 4, the front top & bottom. The two eye teeth are getting so very close to breaking through.
- Mobility: Crawling is now second nature, he'll chase me, Shanna, or even the dogs. And of course the dogs think it's their style of play, must be careful.
- Mobility 2: Crawling is often a way to get to something else to pull himself up too. The bed, cabinets, doors, tables, chairs, dogs, 'fridge, whatever.
- Water bowl: The playful splash he likes to do in the bath and pool also translates to fun in the doggie waterbowl. We have to keep a close eye *& ear our for that trespass.
- Vocabulary: Nope, no speech yet. But he now make the tongue-to-roof-of-mouth clicks.
- Baby signs: His first sign was last week for "bird". It musta been an easy one, it's about the same movement needed to pick up Cheerios.