The conquest of stairs
Liam has no fear of our stairs. He can climb ours pretty darn quick, sometimes to follow one of us, sometimes just to have fun. Another degree of freedom for him, and one lost for me...
Still no walking. He can stand unassisted and took two steps for Shanna a few weeks ago, but I have yet to witness a repeat two-step performance.
He has taken to drawing. He knows how to draw on the magna-doodle board (but not erase). At this point the drawings are nothing more than lines. We lov'em.
And no baby food. Liam now eats pretty much what we eat for every meal. We take care to ensure things are chopped up small - no choking allowed. His fingers are adept at picking up tasty morsels off of the tray, but not so good at getting into his mouth. The percentage is slowly climbing. Formula is no more, he's all about whole milk now. It is still delivered in a bottle, he's not too keen about sippy cups.