Happiness arrived today, in a cardboard box
We purchased our Cuisinart DCC-1200 coffee maker in 1999 or 2000 shortly after we moved into our Chandler, AZ residence. It served has served us well. I broke a carafe sometime in the '03 or '04, but we had a spare coffee maker back then. This past March I broke another carafe, but somewhere along the line we got rid of our spare coffee machine. A week later a replacement carafe, along with new gold filter, arrived. We happily placed it into service making our morning elixir.
Fast forward to July 2008 when, for the third time in eight years, and only four months after the last occurrence, the carafe was broken yet again. The sense of dread was immediate; the fore-knowledge of Folgers instant coffee, black tea, and a week without the wondrous scent of freshly brewed coffee was a known hardship. One that I was not keen to repeat.
Today UPS delivered the box, and I, with excitement rarely experienced outside of a kid at Christmas, opened the box to examine the contents. It was quickly cleaned, filled with water, and emptied into the coffee maker.
Tonight I shall sleep well, content with the knowledge that tomorrow morning will be experienced with the scent, taste, and warmth that only a fresh brewed pot of coffee can provide.
Oh, and the kids are fine...