New photos
I've uploaded some photos to SmugMug (linky linky).
My journey through the realm of raising our sons...
It's almost 6:30 PM, we've been sitting here since about 5:45 PM. For the past 45 minutes all I've heard is Galen whine. "Daddy, I gotta tell you something. It won't swallow." He's been chewing on a piece of something since then and can't/won't swallow. We tried time; if you don't swallow by whenever, dinner's over, no applesauce. We tried water; wash it down. Nope, didn't work. Not even with a straw.
Tuesday afternoon: Picture a cherub face plastered with blue chalk. Teeth caked to look as a singular blue dental appliance. A smile to beat all smiles, a buoyant swagger, and eyeballs looking for another color.
I could see it happen, Liam was going to grab Galen's penis.
That may be backwards, it should probably be another time, another place.