Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fill'er up and move'em out

When the milk is empty, we but another gallon. Truck low on Gas? Stop by the filling station for a few bucks of petrol. We water the flowers, refill the wine decanter, more beer in the fridge, another stick of butter in the tray. For a few bucks, some energy, the vessel is full.

How do I fill up patience? Where do I go for a refill of calm, serenity? How do I get back the reserve needed to not take off Galen's head? How do I keep the steely calm required to defuse and move on? What will prevent me from sinking to their emotional explosiveness?

OK, just saying helped. There is light at the end of the tunnel - at 18, out the door.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hoist the sail

That's what happens when a 3 11/12ths year old opens an umbrella on a windy day. There was a momentary jerk, responsive lean backwards, and the sudden explosion of a brand new umbrella turning inside out. Another jerk and it was gone, tumbling across the yard, road, and neighbors tree.

Liam had a grand demonstration of physics.

Galen had a grand laugh as I chased after the aforementioned sail.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I swear

Not really, but Shanna will. She was notified last week that yes indeed, she passed the bar. The swearing in ceremony is next month. Hip hip hurray! This pursuit is truly over. The hours of study, classroom, and paper writing have all been accumulated and will now be deposited into some piece of paper stating she can practice law. Kind of like dusting over the course of several years, saving the lint & dust bunnies and turning it into an elaborate scroll.

There will be more education in her future, though she has promised that this one will age for a few years before starting again. No, she won't practice law, but the education & bar certification will help with the career. And there is that nagging idea of taking Arizona's bar this summer...

I look forward to seeing my children's accomplishments. May they bring as much pride.