Off the Pan, Into the Fire

My journey through the realm of raising our sons...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Yes, I am thankful

We spent Thanksgiving at a friend's house. It was full of kids, adults we didn't know, food, and hospitality. There was conversation, eating, kids playing, and a bit of football. It was a good day.

My wife and kids are healthy. We have food on the table, bills are paid, and the dog doesn't eat as many shoes as before. Our house is filled with love and laughter. What more can a man want?

Yes, I am thankful.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Birthday Boy

Galen celebrated his 8th birthday last weekend. As one might expect, there was excitement, frustration, celebration, happiness, cake, ice cream, friends, toys, and play. All in all, I'd say he had a happy day.

We celebrated at the Edinborough Park, an indoor kids playground that has a multi-storied tube tunnel complex (Adventure Peak) and a basketball court sized great floor filled with wheeled wonders for scooting around. A great place for a party on a chilly autumn morning.

As one might expect, he got too many presents, too much attention, and too much cake. No, strike that, he didn't eat much cake...

CLICKY CLICKY to see a few birthday pics...

Saturday, November 03, 2012

I was scared

Six people, not one a native English speaker, were looking at me. Waiting for me. Listening to me.

I had finally stepped out beyond the home. For seven years, my focus has been on the home. The kids, the chores, the humdrum crap that it takes to have a household. Now I was sitting in from of a group of immigrants that wanted to learn English. Hellfire, I'm not that great at my mother tongue. But here they were,. eager to speak with a volunteer to better their command of our language.

We had adult-speak. We weren't talking about chores, groceries, dishes, school, or growing up. We were speaking objectives, goals, politics, cultural norms, neighbors, driving, voting. We were talking meaty, real life stuff.

It's a start. I am still scared. But I'll go back and try yet again.